Yes, there are various ways of modding Fallout on the 360 with varying capabilities.

"At least 40% of the wasteland has been painstakingly recreated by the team," they say.

The latest dev blog post, from earlier this month, gives an update on progress. While FO3's sickly green tinge is gone, by the way, the team have talked about "experimenting with" Fallout 4's weather options to still instil a grime tone. Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind. You know, I had thought "But Fallout 3 basically looks like this" then I checked and no, no it does not.

It does indeed look a lot like Fallout 3 inside Fallout 4. A new gameplay video shows a 12-minute chunk of Fallout 3's main quest with NPCs, action, dialogue, scripted events, quest progression, and other things that make the game tick. Now they're showing: no, look, we really are doing it. That's nice and all, but it's a stage many remake mods for many games have reached before fizzling out. Last time we looked at Capital Wasteland, the Fallout 4 mod unofficially recreating Fallout 3 inside the newer game, the team behind it were showing off a montage of environments.